National Peanut Board (Social)
When the National Peanut Board asked to produce more engaging content for their audiences, we created a slew of dynamic social assets that spoke to the unique brand identity of the National Peanut Board. Our efforts earned us a dramatic increase in consumer engagement.
Check out a few of the assets below.
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
For the 110th anniversary of this peanut-mentioning song, we created a karaoke video. While this video did not win any Cannes Lions, one twitter user did inform us that we have officially “been awarded a single YIKE.”
Birthday Boy
For the 94th Birthday of our peanut farming president, we made a beautiful peanut cake that will probably turn up in your nightmares.
Ballpark Foods
In honor of the original ballpark snack, we made a series of videos disparaging the ridiculous food options available at ballparks today. Triple B Sandwich, meet peanuts.
Wheel Of Peanuts
For National Peanuts Day, we activated a random peanut-generator on twitter. Users tweeted us the peanut emoji to get a spin on the wheel. Most slivers corresponded to a peanut-y gag, but a few resulted in free bags of peanuts.
Spread the Love
For National Spread the Love Day, we sent a message spelled out in peanut butter to our loving followers..